How to Start a Garden on a Budget

By Amy Brown | Published on 2022-04-22

Gardening can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but it can also be expensive. If you're looking to get started in the world of gardening but don't have a lot of money to spend, don't worry! In this article, we'll show you how to start a garden on a budget. We'll cover everything from choosing the right plants to finding affordable supplies, so you can start your garden without breaking the bank. So, if you're ready to get growing, let's get started!

A woman in a garden, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and gardening gloves, is happily planting a variety of flowers in a small, budget-friendly raised bed. She is surrounded by a variety of tools and supplies, demonstrating how

Choose the right space

When it comes to starting a garden on a budget, choosing the right space is key. The ideal space should be sunny, have good soil, and be easily accessible. If you have a small yard, you may need to get creative. Look for areas that get at least six hours of direct sunlight a day and have good drainage. If you don't have a yard, you can still start a garden. Consider growing plants in containers on a balcony or patio.

When selecting a space, consider the size and shape of the area. If you have a large space, you can create a traditional garden with rows of vegetables and flowers. If you have a small space, consider a raised bed or container garden. Raised beds are a great option for small spaces because they are easy to build and can be filled with soil that is tailored to your plants’ needs. Containers are also a great option for small spaces and can be used to grow a variety of plants.

Finally, consider the cost of the space. If you have a yard, you may need to purchase soil, compost, and other materials to get your garden started. If you’re using containers, you’ll need to purchase containers, soil, and plants. Research the cost of materials before you begin so you can stay within your budget.

Consider climate

When starting a garden on a budget, it is important to consider the climate in your area. Different plants require different levels of sunlight, water, and temperature. Knowing the climate of your area can help you choose the right plants for your garden. For example, if you live in a hot, dry climate, you may want to choose drought-tolerant plants that require less water. If you live in a cooler climate, you may want to choose plants that can handle cold temperatures.

It is also important to consider the seasonal changes in your area. Some plants may not be able to survive the cold winter months, while others may thrive in the warmer summer months. Knowing the seasonal changes in your area can help you choose plants that will be able to survive the changing temperatures.

Finally, it is important to consider the amount of sunlight available in your area. Different plants require different amounts of sunlight, so it is important to choose plants that will be able to get the right amount of light. If you are planting in a shady area, you may want to choose plants that can tolerate lower levels of light. If you are planting in a sunny area, you may want to choose plants that can handle higher levels of light.

Decide on a plan

When starting a garden on a budget, it's important to decide on a plan. The first step is to determine what type of garden you want. Do you want to grow vegetables, flowers, or a combination of both? Consider the size of the space you have available and the amount of sunlight it receives. If you have a small space, you may want to choose plants that don't require a lot of room to grow.

Once you have decided on the type of garden you want, it's time to create a plan. Make a list of the plants you want to include and research how much they cost. Consider the cost of soil, fertilizer, and other supplies that you may need. If you are working with a limited budget, you may want to focus on growing plants that are easy to care for and don't require a lot of expensive supplies.

Finally, decide on a timeline for your garden. Consider when you will need to start planting, when you will need to fertilize, and when you will need to harvest. This will help you plan out your budget and ensure that you have enough money to get the supplies you need when you need them.

Select plants and seeds

When starting a garden on a budget, it is important to select plants and seeds that are both affordable and easy to maintain. Look for plants that are native to your area, as they will be better suited to the climate and soil conditions. Consider plants that are low-maintenance and require little water, such as succulents and cacti. These are great for beginners and are relatively inexpensive.

Another great option is to buy seeds and start your garden from scratch. This is a great way to save money and you can often find seeds for a fraction of the cost of buying plants. Look for heirloom varieties that are known to be easy to grow and require minimal care. If you are new to gardening, look for seeds that are labeled as “beginner friendly”.

Finally, consider buying plants and seeds from local nurseries or farmers markets. These are often less expensive than buying from a big box store and you can often find unique varieties that you won’t find elsewhere. Plus, you’ll be supporting local businesses and helping to promote sustainability.

Shop around for supplies

When it comes to starting a garden on a budget, shopping around for supplies is essential. You don’t have to buy everything from the same store or website. Instead, take the time to compare prices and look for deals. Start by researching online for the best prices on the items you need. You can also check out local garden centers, hardware stores, and even discount stores for good deals.

If you’re looking for specific items, such as seeds or plants, you can often find them for less at a local nursery or farmers market. You can also look for second-hand items, such as pots, tools, and even furniture, at thrift stores and yard sales. Shopping around can help you save money and find the best deals on the items you need.

Finally, don’t forget to look for coupons and discounts. Many stores and websites offer discounts and coupons that can help you save money. You can also check out online coupon websites for additional savings. With a little bit of research and patience, you can find the supplies you need for your garden at an affordable price.

Reuse and repurpose materials

Starting a garden can be a great way to save money and help the environment. Reusing and repurposing materials is a great way to save money when starting a garden. There are many materials that can be reused and repurposed for gardening. For example, you can use old buckets, pots, and containers to start a garden. These can be found at thrift stores or garage sales. You can also use old pallets to create a raised bed garden. Pallets can be found for free or at a low cost.

Another great way to reuse and repurpose materials is to use items from around your home. For example, you can use old tires to create a planter. Simply fill the tire with soil and plant your favorite flowers or vegetables. You can also use old furniture, such as dressers and chairs, to create a vertical garden. This is a great way to add a unique touch to your garden.

Finally, you can use old fabrics, such as sheets and towels, to make fabric pots. This is a great way to save money and create a unique look for your garden. All you need to do is cut the fabric into strips and tie them together to form a pot. You can then fill the pot with soil and plant your favorite flowers or vegetables.

Create a compost heap

Creating a compost heap is a great way to start a garden on a budget. Composting is a natural process of recycling organic materials into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Composting is an easy, cost-effective way to reduce your waste and provide your garden with essential nutrients.

To start a compost heap, you will need a container or bin to hold the compost. You can purchase a compost bin or make your own out of recycled materials. Place the bin in a sunny spot in your yard and fill it with organic materials such as grass clippings, leaves, vegetable scraps, and coffee grounds. Make sure to mix the materials together and keep the compost moist. You can also add a few handfuls of soil to help the composting process.

Once your compost heap is established, you can use the nutrient-rich compost to fertilize your garden. Composting is an easy and affordable way to start a garden on a budget. It is also a great way to reduce your waste and help the environment.

Use mulch to reduce water loss and weed growth

Mulch is an essential part of gardening on a budget. It helps to reduce water loss and weed growth, which can be a major expense. Mulch also helps to keep the soil temperature consistent, which can help plants to thrive.

When selecting a mulch, there are a few things to consider. First, consider the type of mulch that will work best for your garden. Organic mulches, such as wood chips, bark, or straw, are great for helping to retain moisture and reduce weeds. Inorganic mulches, such as gravel or stone, are better for pathways and can help to keep weeds at bay.

Once you have selected the type of mulch, you will need to apply it correctly. Spread the mulch around the base of the plants, making sure to leave a few inches of space around the stem. This will help to keep the soil moist and reduce the amount of weeds that can grow. Make sure to replenish the mulch every few months to keep it fresh and effective.

Set up a watering system

Creating a watering system for your garden is an important part of gardening on a budget. There are a few different ways to set up a watering system, depending on the size and type of garden you have.

If you have a small garden, you can use a watering can or a garden hose to water your plants. This is a simple and affordable way to keep your plants hydrated. Make sure to water your plants in the morning or evening, when the sun is not at its hottest, to avoid burning the leaves.

For larger gardens, you may want to invest in a drip irrigation system. This system uses a network of pipes and hoses to deliver water directly to the roots of your plants. This is a great way to save water and money, as the water is delivered directly to the plants, rather than being wasted on the ground. You can also set up a timer to ensure your plants get the right amount of water at the right time.

Choose natural pest control methods

When it comes to keeping pests away from your garden, you don’t need to break the bank. There are plenty of natural pest control methods that you can use to keep your garden healthy and thriving. One of the most effective ways to keep pests away is to introduce beneficial insects into your garden. Ladybugs, lacewings, and praying mantis are all natural predators that can help keep pests away. You can also use companion planting to keep pests away. Planting certain flowers, herbs, and vegetables near each other can help repel pests. For example, planting marigolds near tomatoes can help keep away aphids.

You can also use natural sprays to keep pests away. You can make your own natural sprays using ingredients like garlic, hot pepper, and neem oil. These sprays are effective at keeping away many common garden pests. You can also use diatomaceous earth to keep away slugs and snails. This powder is made from fossilized algae and is a natural way to keep pests away.

Finally, you can use natural barriers to keep pests away from your garden. You can use row covers to keep pests away from your vegetables. You can also use mulch to keep away slugs and snails. Finally, you can use bird netting to keep birds away from your fruits and vegetables. All of these natural methods are effective and can help keep your garden healthy and thriving without breaking the bank.


Starting a garden on a budget doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a bit of research, planning, and creativity, you can create a beautiful garden that won't break the bank. From choosing the right plants to finding the right tools, you can find ways to save money while still creating a stunning garden. With a little bit of effort, you can have a beautiful garden that will bring you joy for years to come.